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Trauma Counseling for Women in Benicia and Vallejo, CA

Trauma Symptoms

  • Relationship Challenges - difficulty with feeling close, "people pleasing", communication, accepting/ setting boundaries, harmful/ abusive relationships cycles

  • Trust Issues - fear of being betrayed, abandoned, hurt, feeling guarded, self-sabotaging

  • Low self-esteem/ worth - believing negative thoughts about yourself, self-doubt, accepting mistreatment

  • Distorted self-concept - feeling purposeless and unclear about who you are/ your place in the world

  • Dissociation - feeling disconnected from your body, emotions, memories or reality, "zoned out", numbness

  • Hypervigilance - feeling on guard and highly alert to potential threats 

  • Avoidance - avoiding people, places, activities, conversations; ignoring emotions, thoughts, memories, feelings

  • Intrusions - unwanted memories, thoughts, dreams/ nightmares, flashbacks

  • Negative emotions - feeling excessive guilt, self-blame, shame, worthlessness

  • Hyperarousal - easily irritated/ quick-tempered, sleep disturbance, feeling easily startled, impulsivity

  • Hypoarousal - feeling shut down, fatigued, withdrawn, empty, disconnected

"Trauma is not what happens to you. It is what happens inside you as a result of what happened to you."

- Gabor Mate

Woman offering support to another woman
Woman feeling hopeful after trauma counseling

Healing from Interpersonal Trauma

I immediately focus on establishing trust with you to help both your mind and body experience safety and connection within our therapeutic relationship.


You'll understand how the body stores stress and trauma and how this affects your survival responses. 


You'll learn to attune to your thoughts, emotions and bodily sensations and gain the tools to respond to these important cues with self-compassion.


We clarify your emotional needs and core values to serve as anchors as you reconnect with and learn to accept the hidden or rejected parts of yourself.

Interpersonal Trauma Counseling Can Help You With...

  • Increasing self-awareness

  • Understanding repetitive patterns

  • Allowing space for unpleasant emotions and sensations

  • Recognizing how emotions feel in the body

  • Using the body to manage distress

  • Trusting your gut instincts

  • Managing anxiety symptoms

  • Clarifying and verbalizing your needs

  • Developing self-esteem & self-acceptance

  • Valuing and respecting yourself

  • Setting and safeguarding your boundaries

  • Separating who you are from your choices and experiences

  • Living in alignment with your values

  • Experiencing emotional intimacy

  • Engaging in relationships while staying true to yourself

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